Purple Pharmaceuticals

Purliv Tab


Purliv Tab

Silymarin 140 mg, L-Glutathione 1500 mcg, N-Acetyl Cysteine 5000 mcg, L-Ornithine 5000 mcg, Coenzyme Q10 250 mcg, with Antioxidants & Micronutrients

With Advantage of Glutathione

Glutathione is a natural Antioxidant.

Regulator and Regenerator of immune cells.

Most valuable Detoxifying agent.

• Accelerates elimination of ammonia from blood

• Improves energy utilization in damage liver

• Normalises the elevated liver functions

• Helps in the regenration of liver cells

• Complements the treatment of viral hepatitis

• Protects liver from oxidative damage & inflammation